Cedar Rapids 2011 Movie with John C. Reilly and Ed Helms

It is also plotting a comedy. Forefront this time was John C. Reilly and Ed Helms. The Hollywood Reporter announced that the star of the Hangover Reilly and Ed Helms have signed on to star in comedy "Cedar Rapids", a comedy that has a central story of a naive small town in Wisconsin, which is representative of the company they work for, at a conference in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, died accidentally when the company's image.

Reilly and he will play the role of a participant in this conference which he considered a whore and a chance to do whatever comes to mind.

Cedar Rapids is for sure one of the best comedy movies of 2011 and will be directed by Miguel Arteta, who has just finished filming "Youth in Revolt" movie still has no release date.

So what do we know about John C. Reilly, the vampire from mediocre family man in Cedar Rapids.

After he played a vampire in The Vampire's Apprentice: Cirque du Freak, John C. Reilly returned to a comedy role in Cedar Rapids, who will be starring Ed Helms (Hangover).

Helms will play a mediocre officer from Wisconsin who is sent to a regional meeting of insurance agents in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, after his mentor and boss pass into nonexistence. The conference and how life changes its relationship with the world, in short, is a revelation existential.

Reilly will play a secondary role which receives a delegate conference in Cedar Rapids as a well-deserved break from marital life.

The Cedar Rapids movie will be directed by Miguel Arteta (The Good Girl) The screenplay was written by Phil Johnston.

Cedar Rapids Trailer

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